Discover the power of yoga
Welcome to Peachtree City’s favorite yoga studio
in full body health
our supportive community
how you feel

traditional yoga designed for beginners
Explore the benefits of yoga and its healing powers with our loving, supportive community and internationally acclaimed teachers.

Hot Yoga PTC offers several diverse yoga styles taught in all temperatures for all ages and levels of health.
We have 2 studio spaces designed for both hot and cool classes.
Our hot room/sun room heats to 105 degrees and 40% humidity.
Our cool/moon room temp ranges from 75-80 degrees.

hot yoga ptc classes
26/2 Original Hot Yoga
The original series of 26 postures and 2 breathing exercises designed to get you fit, healthy, and flexible and work your entire body inside out and bones to skin. Always the same, but always very different. You will work hard, sweat a lot and feel great! We recommend this class for all students, especially first time students.
hatha yoga
An energizing and comprehensive class that incorporates standing postures, back bends and forward folds, along with breath work and meditation. Designed for beginners with safety as a priority. Taught in a cool to warm room.
yin yoga
Yin yoga is a slower paced class that targets the connective tissues, such as ligaments and fascia, bringing the body into balance and increasing its natural range of motion. The class is not heated and most poses are done seated or lying down and held for 3-5 minutes. You will leave feeling refueled and restored.
HIIT/Play/Flying Yoga
This yoga class is always evolving and sure to test your yoga limits both physically and mentally! Accessible for all levels, you will find your maximum expression of postures, and have a ball. You will shift your energy and will likely open your mind to new possibilities. Laughs, smiles and learning guaranteed!
Develop your practice with seasoned yoga experts
teachers with combined over 51 years experience.
Meet your teachers

Plan your practice
yoga classes for every schedule
HYPTC offers a variety of flexible memberships to fit your goals and lifestyle.